When its time to leisure and spent vacations then Gharnata travels is there to help you to find best destinations in Pakistan and abroad to spent quality fun time.

Tickets for best airlines
Gharnata travels is the IATA certified and best tickets deals providers in the region. You can find the best price air tickets of almost all airlines operating to/from Pakistan. Most welcome to contact us for further details we will be happy to find the best deal for you.
Traveler & Tour Packages
Gharnata travels have a variety of packages available for tourists. Tours are available within pakistan and abroad as well. Our tour packages includes visa, tickets, hotel, meals etc all you need to enjoy at maximum.

Tours within Pakistan
Price : depends on Package
Duration Specific Days
Persons ( 1-20)
Tours within Pakistan can be arranged anytime through the whole year. Gharnata travels will help you to explore the beauty of northern area of Pakistan at optimal price.

Tours Abroad
Price : depends on Package
Duration : As required
Persons ( 1-20)
Gharnata travels can arrange international tours for you as well which includes Gulf countries, Thailand, Turkey, Singapur etc. COntact us for more specific details.

Student Consultancy
As we are in service for more than 20 years our basic focus is to provide good quality service within the domain of higher studies in foreign universities from Pakistan. We try our best to maximize the student’s potential to add value to their future career. Our study experts are available through the whole year for our young enthusiasts.
Years of Experience
Happy Customers
Professional Guides
Top Destinations

Hafiz Muhammad Imran
MSC Advance Telecommunication
& Wireless LSBU UK
& Wireless LSBU UK
Best Style
Best service available in the area for students who want to study abroad on optimal expenses. Storngly recommended.

Mansoor Ul Hassan
Business Administration
Best Choice
Choosing Gharnata Future Consultant changed my life as it helped me to grab the most valueable opportunity of my life of studying abroad.

Mouzma Akram
Bachelar of Business
Simple Design
Gharnata Future Consultant helped me to secure my study place in UK university. and managed all my traveling schedule. Good service.

Amar Rizwan
Advance Diploma in Business Management
Creative Team
Best decision to choose Gharnata Future Consultant for career counseling and higher studies.